How does PaySG process payments?
PaySG integrates with platforms or providers that enable payment collection.
Our platform is integrated with Stripe to process payments by credit/debit cards, e-wallets and PayNow. As of 2024, we've also integrated with banks (direct bank integration) to allow agencies to collect payments directly into their bank accounts using PayNow.
Regardless of the payment methods offered, your team need only integrate with PaySG. The integration with Stripe, banks, and/or alternative payment providers in future will be handled by the PaySG team.
What are the available options?
We have agency users who onboard with (1) Stripe only, (2) direct bank integration only, and (3) both Stripe and direct bank integration. Refer to the diagrams below for more information.
Stripe only
PaySG is currently integrated with Stripe. As this solution is ready and available off-the-shelf with no additional engineering effort required from the PaySG team, it has shortest set-up time for payment collection.
Payment collection flow
#1 An agency user creates a payment link on our dashboard or via API.
The payer accesses the payment link and inputs their details directly on our payment page.
#2 Stripe processes their payment details and facilitates the transaction.
#3 Stripe deposits the payout into your receiving bank account.
Direct bank integration only
PaySG can also integrate with your bank to facilitate payments directly into your bank account. The integration creates a direct connection to your bank account, and is done by the PaySG team on an individual, case-by-case basis.
Due to the time taken to complete paperwork with the bank and additional engineering effort required to establish a connection to your bank account, this solution usually requires a longer set up time.
Payment collection flow
#1 An agency user creates a payment link on our dashboard or via API.
The payer accesses the payment link and saves the PayNow QR code/bank transfer details displayed on the payment page.
The payer uses the saved QR code/bank details to make payment on their banking app.
#2 The payment is facilitated by your receiving bank, who credits the payment directly into your bank account.
Stripe and direct bank integration
PaySG integrates with your bank to facilitate payments directly into your bank account. The integration creates a direct connection to your bank account, and is done by the PaySG team on an individual, case-by-case basis.
You can also enable Stripe, which can be done during the payment service creation, without any help needed from the PaySG team.
Payment collection flow
#1 An agency user creates a payment link on our dashboard or via API. A payer access the payment link to make payment.
If the payer selects a bank payment method, they will need to save the displayed QR code/bank details and make payment via their banking app. The bank facilitates the payment and credits it directly into your bank account. If the payer selects a payment method offered by Stripe, they may input their payment details directly on the payment page.
#2 The payment is facilitated by the bank and/or Stripe. If a bank payment method is used, your bank credits the payment directly into your receiving bank account.
#3 Stripe deposits the payout into your receiving bank account.
What's the difference between using Stripe and direct bank integration?
PaySG is integrated with Stripe at a platform level, whereas the integration with banks is done at an account level.
By default, payments are facilitated by Stripe. Our platform is already integrated with Stripe, and payment collection only requires a connection to your Stripe account. This connection is done during the creation of a payment service, during which you’ll be redirected to Stripe’s website to authorise the connection. Since there's no additional engineering effort required from the PaySG team, using Stripe offers a much shorter set-up time. More information can be found at our Stripe onboarding page.
Direct bank integration is done on an account level. The PaySG team dedicates engineering effort to establish a direct connection between our platform and your agency’s bank account to collect payments. Each integration requires (1) the agency to complete paperwork with the bank for the PaySG to gain access to API connectivity, (2) the PaySG team to establish connectivity and integrate with our platform, (3) the banks to sign off once the integration and accompanying tests have been completed by the PaySG team. More information can be found at our bank onboarding page.
Additional differences can be found in the table below.
Item | Stripe | Direct bank integration |
Payment methods |
Payout time | Typically 3 business days after payment | Real-time |
*Fees (*PaySG does not charge fees to use our platform. You only need to account for Stripe/banks' transaction fees) | Bulk tender rates applicable to government agencies under bulk tender GVT-16020 | Bulk tender rates applicable to government agencies under bulk tender GVT- 19006 |
Set-up time | Assuming paperwork has been completed, launching with Stripe usually allows a shorter set up time as there's no additional engineering effort required on PaySG's end. | Refer to our timeline guide for more info. |
Which option is more suitable for my team?
Contact us at team@pay.gov.sg to discuss your payment collection flow.
How do I proceed with Stripe?
Refer to our section on Stripe onboarding to find out more.
How do I proceed with direct bank integration for PayNow?
Refer to our section on bank onboarding to find out more.
Last updated