Go-live checklist

The following steps should be completed 1 week before your go-live date.

  1. Create your payment service at pay.gov.sg and retrieve the payment service ID from the URL.

  1. Select an email address for the API key to be issued to. We recommend using a group email address (e.g. agency_finance_team@agency.gov.sg) for transferability.

  2. (Optional) For webhook registration, share the webhook URL with the PaySG team.

You will need to share the following information with PaySG (team@pay.gov.sg):

  • Payment service ID

  • Email address for API key

  • (optional) Webhook URL

  • For agencies with DBS PayNow integrations:

    1. Payment service ID

    2. Agency UEN

    3. DBS account number

    4. DBS API key (provided by DBS)

    5. DBS organisation ID (provided by DBS)

You will receive the following resources from PaySG:

  • API key

  • (optional) Webhook secret

Last updated