

You will need:

  1. A form and its corresponding secret key.

  2. A payment service and an API key, issued to you by the PaySG team (

Form creation

  1. Create a form on FormSG and save your secret key. You’ll need this to view responses and to link the form to Plumber. A template can be found here.

  2. Some fields that you should include in your form as these will be used to create your payment link later on. These fields have been included in the template.

    1. Reference ID (if not required for your use case, you can manually input a value like '-' on Plumber later on)

    2. Payer’s name

    3. Payer’s email (optional)

    4. Payer’s address (optional)

    5. Payer’s identifier (optional, could be NRIC or any other identifier of your choice)

    6. Payment amount (Note: If the payment amount is in dollars, you will need to include Plumber's Calculator action to convert this into cents to pass in to PaySG.)

Payment service creation

  1. Create a payment service on PaySG’s staging environment: Ensure that you test out the workflow/pipe on our staging environment before moving to our production environment at

  2. During the creation of the payment service, you’ll need to select a payment method. For Stripe, please create an account at Creating a Stripe account is free. Ensure that the Stripe account is set to test mode.

  3. Contact us at to get an API key for your payment service. You will need this to connect the payment service to Plumber. You may refer to our FAQ on API keys for more information.

Last updated

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