
We use cursor-based pagination for endpoints that “list” resources. These endpoints share a common structure, accepting these parameters limit, before and after and responding with data and page_info, containing the current page of resources and information about next and previous pages respectively.

page_info contains a start_cursor and end_cursor to the first and last resource of the current page respectively. Each cursor can be passed into either the before and after parameters to return the resources immediately before or after the given cursor. If no cursors are passed into both before or after, the first page will be returned, containing the newest resources.

Only either before or after may be passed to the paginated request, but not both. If both are passed, an error will be returned by the API server.

Sample Response

  "data": [ ... ]
  "page_info": {
    "has_next_page": true,
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "start_cursor": "WyIyMDIzLTA1LTEyVODowMCIsIjaaB0NCDE0OjI3Z25QRXVyYm9YTldOjEyLjczNCswaTzk5QyJd",
    "end_cursor": "WyIyMDdOjEyLjczLTA1LTjI3Z25QRXVyYm9YVODIzDE0Ok5QyJdTlowMCIsIjaaB0NCNCswaTzEy",

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