
API endpoints that support pagination

Sorted Order
  • created_at

  • id

Returns the most recently created payments first. If multiple payments are created at the same time, they are returned in reverse alphabetical order of their id

We use cursor-based pagination for endpoints that list resources. The cursors used for pagination have no inherent relationship to the resources. These endpoints share a common structure, accepting the following parameters: limit, before and after . The response includes: data , an array containing the current page of resources, and page_info , which holds information about the current page. The page_info object contains a start_cursor that points to the first resource of the current page, end_cursor which points to the last resource of the current page, has_previous_page and has_next_page which indicate if the resource has a previous and next page respectively. Each cursor can be passed into either the before or after parameters to return the resources immediately before or after the provided cursor. These parameters are mutually exclusive. You can use either the before or after parameter, but not both simultaneously. If both before and after are passed, an error will be returned by the API server. If no cursors are passed into before or after, the API returns the first page, containing the newest resources.

Sample Response

  "data": [ ... ]
  "page_info": {
    "has_next_page": true,
    "has_previous_page": true,
    "start_cursor": "WyIyMDIzLTA1LTEyVODowMCIsIjaaB0NCDE0OjI3Z25QRXVyYm9YTldOjEyLjczNCswaTzk5QyJd",
    "end_cursor": "WyIyMDdOjEyLjczLTA1LTjI3Z25QRXVyYm9YVODIzDE0Ok5QyJdTlowMCIsIjaaB0NCNCswaTzEy",

Sample Usage

// Referencing the sample response

// Using before
// Calling GET /v1/payment-services/:payment_service_id?limit=20&before=${start_cursor}
Returns the previous page of resources and its page information

// Using after
// Calling GET /v1/payment-services/:payment_service_id?limit=20&after=${end_cursor}
Returns the next page of resources and its page information

Last updated

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