Create a payment service

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a payment service in PaySG. Once you've created a payment service, you can start creating payment links to collect payments.

Follow the steps below to create a payment service:

Step 1: Accessing the PaySG dashboard

There is no need to create an account to use PaySG. Log in to PaySG using a valid email address at and verify your OTP to be redirected to PaySG's dashboard.

Step 2: Creating a payment service

On the dashboard, click on "Create Payment Service".

Step 3: Providing payment service details

Fill in the required information for your payment service. This includes:

  • Payment Service Name: Choose a name that clearly represents the service you are offering.

  • Email Greeting: Customise the email greeting that users will receive when making payments.

  • Custom Logo: Optionally, upload a logo that represents your agency or the specific service.

  • Agency Name, Address, and Contact: Provide the relevant contact information for your agency.

  • Support Channels: Specify the channels through which users can reach out for support, such as email or website.

  • GST Rate: In light of recent GST changes and the government's efforts to cushion the impact of the GST increase, we support variable GST rates and an optional GST rebate.

Step 4: Review and connect with Stripe

Review the information you have entered to ensure its accuracy. Once you are satisfied, click on the "Connect with Stripe to continue" button. You will be redirected to the Stripe login page.

For users without access to your agency's Stripe account, you may create a payment service first and add the Stripe account owner as a collaborator to connect the payment service to the Stripe account.

Step 5: Logging into Stripe

Log into the Stripe account that you want to connect with PaySG. Enter your Stripe account credentials and follow the prompts to complete the connection process.

Step 6: Complete your payment service creation

Congratulations! You have successfully created a payment service in PaySG. You can now configure the service further and start generating payment links for transactions related to this service.

To find out more about how you can add collaborators to your payment service, refer to our section on adding collaborators.

Last updated